One-man-show produced in 2015, performed in Hungarian with translation by surtitles
The one-man show created by young actor Molnár Bence is based on the social satire The Village Hammer by Petőfi Sándor. The main character falls asleep during the religious service and wakes up to be locked inside the church. The audience will witness a show including escapes, wine pouring and love making, in which the actor reconstructs and interprets every character, giving each character a distinctive feature, not always imagines by the author. „I only wanted to play with this performance. Play by retelling a story, portrayal of the characters in the story, then changing them and «overthrowing» the text and actions. This type of one-man-show can offer the actor vast possibilities to portray Petőfi’s satire I believe that, as we grow more mature, we forget about the joy of play", says Molnár Bence, who is the author of the script adaptation and the director of the show.
After graduating from a BA and MA in Acting from Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Molnár Bence worked as an actor at Csiky Gergely Hungarian State Theatre and is currently a freelance artist. OVERTHROW is still being performed especially for students in diverse venues – ranging from performance halls to classrooms – and it is ProTeszt’s most successful educational project.